What is Yoga ?


Yoga is........…

Yoga Benefits


While all those yoga poses can seem intimidating at first, it’s actually a very approachable form of exercise. And that’s just one of the benefits of yoga anyone curious about the practice should be aware of. That’s partly because so much of yoga is about turning inward and focusing on aligning your body and your mind.

Yoga Benefits   

Types Of Yoga


Have you ever picked up a class schedule at a yoga studio with the intention of trying a class, but immediately felt overwhelmed by all the different styles? Or perhaps you’ve been brave and attended a class at random and found it was too challenging or perhaps not challenging enough? With all the different styles of yoga there are, it’s hard to know exactly which one is right for you.

Types Of Yoga   

What is Your Dosha?


The ancient health science of Ayurveda is built around the five elements of ether, air, fire, water, and earth. The unique combination of these elements come together to make up the doshas, or constitutions—vata, pitta, and kapha. Each dosha has a number of corresponding qualities that are expressed in the physical, emotional, and mental aspects of one’s being.

What is Your Dosha?    

Yoga Alignment


Whether you are in a yoga class, keep a close eye on the instructor's alignment. Alignment refers to the precise way the body lines up in each posture. Safe alignment is very important to maximize each pose's benefits and minimize the chance of injury.

Yoga Alignment    

Pranayama of Yoga


Breathing is something we do on a daily basis. The body, in a living state, breathes involuntarily whether we are awake, sleeping, or actively exercising. Breathing is living. It is a vital function of life. In yoga, we refer to this as pranayama.

Pranayama of Yoga    

Advice for beginners


When you're brand new to yoga, you're likely to have a lot of questions about what you're getting into, including what to wear, what to bring to class, and how to prepare yourself. Knowing what's expected and what works ahead of time will help you to feel more comfortable during your first class. Here's what you should know before your first flow.

Advice for beginners   

Yoga Phrases


Yoga can feel like a foreign language – technically, many of the words are, since yoga was established in the Sanskrit language. But even the English yoga phrases seems foreign – “sun salutation” – am I saluting the sun? “Tuck the stomach in” – is my belly hanging out?

Yoga Phrases   

Home Yoga Practise


One of the most beautiful and liberating aspects of yoga is that you don’t need any fancy equipment or a designated place to practice. Yoga is accessible. The practice meets you where you are – as long as you are willing to approach it.

Home Yoga Practise