能量流瑜伽-Gilbert Ng


能量流瑜伽 Gilbert Ng

  • 2017年7月18日至23日
  • 10:00 AM - 5:30 PM
  • 午餐 12:00-1:30
  • 共36小時(6天)
  • 語言:粵語


The Art of Hatha yoga ( Energy flow ) Gilbert Ng


Understanding the effects of the component movements in an asana, their interactions and their relationship to the breathing process and the spine. 

理解這些動作相互之間的影響,在一個體式中,相互之間的 作用, 以及它與脊柱和呼吸之間 的關係 


Understanding how to Improving a body overall level of strength , flexibility , musculoskeletal control and cardiovascular fitness 

全方位的改善身體的力量、柔軟度、骨骼肌的控製能力以及心血管功能等 ?


Understanding the principle of anatomy and physiology to improve your practice and your ability to communicate with or teach other 



(Deepen understanding of others people bodies and help improve their bodies with safe and effective) 



Common injuries of practicing yoga 


Knees , lower back , shoulder, neck,

Sciatica, sacroiliac , hamstring tear 膝蓋、下背部、肩膀、頸部、坐骨神經、骶髂關節、腿筋撕裂 


The art Of Hatha yoga practice is in assessing yourself and making it relevant to your needs and respectful of your individuality. 

體式練習的藝術於對自身的一個檢測,讓練習符合您的需求並且尊重您 的個人風格 


Understand and learn how to adjust and adapt yoga to student individual needs and abilities



Observing yourself 


Understanding yourself 


Practicing self discipline 


Effects of shoulder movement on the nervous system 



The effect of the diaphragmatic breathing while in yoga practice 

The effect of the thoracic breathing while in yoga practice

Spinal function , factors which affect movement in the spine while practice Learning how to using abdomen to increasing the mobility of the thoracic spine 

Understanding why Yoga help to reduces stress and boots the immune system 



Undesttanding why the important yoga 

practice are the effect or purpose , not its form 


Yoga is a scientific system of self-discovery and self-maintenance, understanding how the body works helps to develop awareness of the body and mind, as is necessary for yogic advancement. 

瑜伽是一種自我探索和維護的科學體係,了解身體的工作原理有助於增進對身體和內心的 覺知,對於瑜伽的發展也是非常必要的 

Learning how to use your practice to recover and strengthen 


Learning and understanding of innumerable ways to combining movement and breathing so as to have a particular effect 同樣一個特定的效果可以有無數種身體的運動與呼吸相結合的方式來實現 ?? 

Undestanding Hip joint function and Symptoms 


Understanding why Structural misalignment of the vertebral column can disturb the functioning of various body system 脊椎關節錯位引失去準線會引起多種身體係統功能紊亂 ?? 

Understanding why bones also play major roles in many important biochemical processes in the body


Undestanding why Bandha activated our core muscles, creating internal strength, and without activated our bandha when perform asana is easy to get hurt. Without bandhas, breathing will not be correct, and asanas will give no benefit 收束法的使用需要用到我們的核心肌肉,製造內在的力量。不使用收束法練習體位法容易 受傷,沒有使用收束法的呼吸是不正確的呼吸,體位練習也得不到相應的益處 

The related problem of hips flexion movement 

The related problem of hips extension movement 

The important of the hips extension 

The physiology of the hips flexion and hips extension 

Learning how to use a twisting movement to increasing strength and flexibility 

Understanding problem of poor core muscles strength 

Understanding how bones also play major roles in many important biochemical processes in the body 

Learning how to use bandha to protect spine and generated energy in yoga practice Nervous system

The effects of sympathetic excitation while practice

The effect of parasympathetic excitation while practice 

The effect of emotion (emotion and stress related of yoga practice )